Thursday, January 24, 2013


This morning was a good one for me!  In the past weeks, I have either neglected exercising completely or exercised a little bit before bed.  But today, I decided to wake up earlier and exercise in the morning.  It was a fine moment for me and I am really thankful that I did it!  I only exercised about 20 mins but it was pretty focused resistance training and I now feel super for doing it.  Some of the ways that I feel that I am benefiting and will benefit from this decision are:
  1. My body feels a little bit better...right now!  I don't know what it is about muscle work, but it brings an immediate payoff in that it feels good afterwards...also, there may be some endorphins that are getting me high right now. ;D
  2. I feel great about today.  This might be the endorphins again but I feel that I started the day right therefore today is a great day.
  3. I want to eat healthy.  I was just super nice to my body and I don't want to give it bad fuel so I am going to try and eat healthy today.  That pistachio ice cream in the freezer is not a huge threat to my progress.  (Caution: I wouldn't store ice cream in your house you are trying to lose weight.  Do what I say not....;D)
  4. I want to stay active today.  Self-explanatory?
  5. Last but kind of least, I saw a pile of dust under our wooden chest that I wouldn't have seen if I weren't on the floor exercising.  Feeling cleaner!  SWEET!
I strongly recommend exercising in the morning!  I hope this has a great impact on my whole day and will keep me being healthy and strong!