Monday, May 21, 2012

Thinking forward...

Now that we have been at this weight loss thing for a little while now, I hope everyone has either felt or seen some kind of changes in ourselves.  I am not talking just about physical appearance or sizes but about how we feel about ourselves.  It have recently realized that it is not as important to love how we look as it is to love how we feel about ourselves.  As a little challenge for you gals, I want you to think forward about how you want to feel at the end of this journey.  Maybe you want to feel more confident.  Maybe you want to be more positive to yourself and towards others.  Maybe you want to have your looks be less of an issue to you on a daily basis.  Maybe you want to feel like yourself in your own skin.  Whatever it is that you want to feel like, work towards that state daily.  AND while you are doing that let it be a great motivation for reaching your weight loss goals!  You will reach that if you consistently work towards it!!  Have a great day, gals

This woman looked the most genuinely happy and real.  Love this.


  1. I figured it out! That lady is SO happy! I need to be more like that, especially because we have the gospel!

  2. True dat, Sis! haha! I am pretty sure it is a worthy goal for me to work to be happy under any circumstances. I think we all forget that from time to time (especially me!).
